Mark Soo

When I was in high school, the thing I loved most about science classes was finding out how much more there is to learn about how the world works and how we can use science to make the world a better place. I want to inspire that same kind of curiosity and passion in others.”

Mark’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Biology

“I am particularly attached to biology because of how immediately relevant it is to our lives. It helps us understand why we get diseases, how plants and animals interact with their environments, and the ‘rules’ that govern why life works the way it works. As a teacher, I am passionate about working with students to understand how science is relevant to their lives.”

Professional Experience

During his undergraduate studies, Mark served as a biology and chemistry tutor for one year, and as a teaching assistant for introductory biology and molecular biology for three semesters.

After college, Mark worked for two years in molecular biology research. He spent the first year at Massachusetts General Hospital as a research technician, and his second year in a research lab at Boston College.


Outside of the science classroom, Mark is passionate about music, especially marching band music. He plays the trumpet and is currently a staff member for the Boston College Marching Band.

Academic Background

  • Boston College (Master of Education in Secondary Teaching in Biology)
  • Boston College (Bachelor of Science in Biology)