Course Details
Dates: July 12–16, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. EDT
Location: Zoom
Price: $500
Due to low enrollment, this course has been canceled.
Limited funding is available to offset the course registration fee, reducing it to $100 (promotional code: KNOWLES100).
Please note that courses are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met.
All registered teachers will receive a kit provided by Engineering Tomorrow as part of their registration fee. The kit will provide teachers with materials that will be used during the course. In addition, participants who are high school teachers will be eligible to work with Engineering Tomorrow to receive kits for their classrooms and students.
Engineering Tomorrow (“ET”) is a nonprofit organization developed by engineers from Global Infrastructure Partners to increase the number of high school students who pursue engineering degrees. While they service all high school students at no cost, ET strives to ensure the inclusion of historically underrepresented groups in the field, namely females and minority populations. The ET curriculum of labs is developed by engineers and delivered by engineers.
From 2014–March 2020, ET worked with 7,000 high school students in the New York and Washington, D.C. Greater Metro Areas. With the introduction of “hybrid labs,” ET worked with 4,000+ students from Sept. 2020–Jan. 2021 in 15 states.