Lisa Kehe

Ideally, teachers are leaders and guides for students that allow students to take ownership of their own learning. Teachers should be role models and people who push students to be the best learners and human beings they can be.”

Lisa’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Mathematics

“I want to combat math phobia! I’ve always enjoyed math, but I’ve had to redefine my love for it over the years. My upper high school and college education initially threw me for a loop when I was asked to think about the “why” of everything I was doing. Now, I know that the “why” is the beauty of math. There’s an underlying reasoning and truth to everything we know, and if you dive deep enough, you can understand the “why.”

Professional Experience

Lisa has taught math at Eagan High School in Eagan, MN since 2020. She has taught a wide variety of courses, including A.P. Calc AB, Intermediate Algebra, Honors Precalculus, and Honors Geometry. She is the coach of the math team, a worksite representative for the local teachers’ union, and helps with official scorekeeping at volleyball matches.

During high school, Lisa worked as a private math tutor for one year and tutored through Mathnasium for one and a half years.

Lisa participated in the Teaching Experience for Undergraduates program at Brown University during summer 2017. There, she studied in an intensive math education pedagogy course for two weeks, and designed and team taught a math enrichment course for the remaining four weeks.


Lisa enjoys spending time with family, cooking, and writing for fun on her self-described “amateur blog.”

Academic Background

  • St. Mary’s University (Master of Education in Teaching and Learning)
  • St. Olaf College (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)