Riley Dunne

You’re not supposed to know everything, especially before I teach it to you. Not knowing something, making a mistake, or just goofing up — all of these are part of learning and growing as a person; they don’t make you dumb, and they definitely don’t make me think less of you.

Riley’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Physics

Throughout my school years, I never felt a strong connection to any particular subject. Even when I took physics in high school, it didn’t capture my interest. But somewhere along the way in undergrad, something shifted. I began to see the profound beauty in physics—how it offered a unique lens through which to view the world. Now, my goal is to help students discover and appreciate this inherent beauty of physics

Professional Experience

During his Master’s program, Riley had the opportunity to student teach at Valley High School in Santa Ana, California. There he taught Physics and Honors Physics. He also assisted in some Chemistry classes despite not formally teaching them. During the 2023-2024 school year, Riley was a substitute teacher for physics, chemistry, and engineering classes. He also ran after school science tutoring programs in the school library.

Riley will start his first year of teaching at Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego in Physics in the 2024-2025 school year.


While in college Riley also learned Chinese, though he wouldn’t call himself fluent just yet. He is excited to start at a school with a Chinese language program. In his spare time, Riley enjoys playing music and watching baseball. He plays the guitar, bass, and drums.

Academic Background

  • University of California, Los Angeles (Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics)
  • University of California, Irvine (M.A.T. Physics)