Veronica Wrobleski

I hope to utilize the Knowles Community as an essential support system in my teaching. I want to be challenged by other Knowles Fellows to be the best teacher I can be. By keeping an open mind and seeking out diverse perspectives, I can grow in new ways that I’ve never even dreamed of.

Veronica’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Biology

When I came to understand biology, everything clicked for me. I could finally understand (or make educated guesses) the world around me and my body. This was incredibly empowering for me, and I started to feel like a scientist. I hope to ignite those connections in my students to make science meaningful in their lives.

Professional Experience

During her undergraduate studies, Veronica was an Undergraduate Research Fellow for three years in the SyBBURE Searle program at Vanderbilt University, and she studied the effects of yeast-encapsulated photosensitive insecticides on Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae, and E. coli bacteria in the Hillyer lab. Veronica also completed one year of student teaching in high school biology and seventh-grade science.

Veronica will start her first year teaching science at George Washington High School, Philadelphia, PA in the 2024-2025 school year.


In her free time, Veronica loves to crochet and knit. She used to sell handmade cat and dog sweaters. She also enjoys cooking, baking, watching horror movies and trashy TV shows, drawing, and hanging out with friends.

Academic Background

  • Vanderbilt University ( Bachelor of Science in Biology Sciences and Secondary Education)